It is going great... We're just here taking the work a day at a time and
really emphasizing the FHE's with members and their non-member friends
and the time they feed us or fafaga because they're golden times to get
people interested in the gospel. Other than that we're just trying to
work out of all the problems these people seem to have with being
baptized concerning their families and old churches... Pretty fun, lots
of work to do
my companion here is great he comes from Tonga and has a little over a month left of his mission and we're gonna finish strong. oh hey i was on the phone with the office this morning and we set the date of me coming home for the
15th of December so Now we should have a confirmed date just wating for them to confirm the day by buying the ticket.
Sorry this is kind of short but We are in a hurry to get the rest of our
plans done this evening. I love you a ton and the area is going really
well just really trying to get these 2 wards moving because they're very
much dead at the moment... sad but I believe we can help God in fixing
it. :) Love you mommy jones! Toe 6 !:)