

Sunday, September 4, 2016

So this week was crazy!!! Elder Sewell almost died! Wanna hear about it?

So this week was crazy!!! Elder Sewell almost died! Wanna hear about it?
 SO last monday the reason we didn't get to email is due to Elder Seewells back pain that was due to a fall from like 2 weeks ago where he tweaked his back and it just progressively got worse till monday he decided to call it in to the office. President just said Go to the emergency room so we sure as heck did and it was a long long time we waited there with all these funny Samoan people around. ;) It wasn't the nicest hospital I've ever seen but it was admiarable for Samoa. He ended up getting a shot in the but and some pain meds with a prescritpion to just lay down ALL WEEK LONG... So that was the week... until... ;)
So we were both just taking it Easy on tueseday and wednesday as well just going to fafaga each night to get a little less housy all the time... ;) He decided on Wednesday night that he would fast to see if he could get God to take away the back pain so we could get back to work only to wake up the very next morn with a horrible stomach sickness. His body wouldn't accept any food or drink. So then we got to go to the hospital again and meet the new nurse in the mission as well. It was crazy and nuts he got more meds and we just kind of stayed home all week trying not to get stir crazy but he's all better now. Thats how he almost died. Sorry the some elders from our district came by to pick up some supplies they needed. ;)
 Oh no Elder Allen actually Got transfered to Savaii nad he cried the night we got transfer calls. WE miss him but it is nice just being us again and being back in our groove of things. He's doing great over there though. I'm still the DL and the District got all switched up again but all is well besides the church leaders. They're a bit on the complaining side when it comes to how president Hanneman runs the mission because its so different from what they were used too.

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