

Sunday, July 17, 2016

So What kind of questions do you have for me?

Me -What was it like when the flakes came? How did they find you? What is your area like? Where do the third wheels stay when they join you? Do you have 3 fala ?

Robert- The flakes were riding around with the Schaeffermeyers and ran into the three of us on the road while we were walking to fafaga. It was a delightful little carepackage. SUper good. They all jsut pulled over and we chatted for like 5 ish minutes then they got in the car and left after like 2 pictures I think.

Me -Is Elder Murry still the zl? When did you take that group photo with those 7 elders? Are you safe and happy? Are your clothes ok? Shoes dead yet?

Robert - No murray isn't anymore. Its Iakopo and a Samoan named VAeai. :) I love them! THats at our service project we did in Falelatai. I am very very safe and Extremely happy like all the time because I'm in the land of the happy people of the Pacific. Plus I'm just a hppy person in general and you know that. :) My clothes are solid and trucking along. My shoes are still holding up surpisingly and thats another miracle to me. 7 months out of these bad boys. Then I just wear the other pair for like sundays and meeting thats basically it... but yeah all is well. I will need a black belt for those black shoes you sent though right

Me- What is it like when you send pictures is it hard does it take long times? It seems like it in lalovi

Robert- YEah it takes heaps of time and then It slows the internet WWAAAAAAYYYYY down to where it won't wor anymore and then I don't even get to chat with you. My plan though is to send home the SD cards for you guys because I have the mass storage as a back up just in case the mail system proves untrustworthy. So I might  just stop trying to do pictures so much till a new area but I'll let you all know hwne I finsih the SD card and throw it in the mail. :) So yea its a bummer.

Me- Oh shoot I was trying so hard not to send a package 4 weeks in a row. Just cause shipping rate is ridiculous. Wait one minute your shoes are tan.

SWEEEEEEETTTT that fits perfectly then. No worries I have no need for a black belt then especially since I never took Karate. :) Times pretty much up though. I've only got 2 fala though and we just put the third wheels on the floor and squeeze them into our little table for studies. :) Its really a fun time. we miss Elder Murray tons! I love ya Mommy Jones and Cienna Jones, and Cydney Jones, And Lindsay Jones and Collin Jones, and Tucker Jones, and Carlie Jones, and Daddy jones.
Ps the mission ran out of Samoan planners so they had Tongan ones shipped in because the others weren't able to get  here fast enough or something. The next six weeks will be in tongan... ;) I don't like it but oh well. tongan is like the Russian of the pacific and Samoan is like french or italian. Its just flowy and pretty. ;)
Me- You can read tongan?
Robert- Read but not speak or understand.... All planners are set up the same though
Me- That's funny. I'll add it to the list of talents you have though. Lol
Robert- Im not really sure what to write again. We were in a trio with Elder Murray till Thursday while he waited for his new trainee/ son. We had a blast with Him especially because He was my first ZL. 
This week we also did a district service project and de-lavarocked a lava rock infested garden area. It was pretty sweet and just more proof that Samoans are super human beings. THye're so flipping strong! Just stupid strong!!!! 

Me-How do you get lava rock infested? Doesn't that involve hot rock? I haven't heard of any erruptions
WEll the whole island has lava rock all over it so theres lava rock all over the place in fact thats why theres hardly any beaches in Samoa but especially upolu because its all jsut Lava rock. So everyone usses them as house foundations, and walls for things. Taeipo from my last area. Her parents had some dumped into the ocean in Tuanai and then dirt and then they built a house and eventually donated some of that land to the church to build the chapel their. Crazy huh? So yeah Lava lava lava ROCKS!!!!
Me- Do you live on upolu? Do you boat to manono?
Robert- YEs. and yes we would but President just gave Manono to the elders in Samatau so now we just have Apolima isalnd left for us to go to but we haven't gone to either yet becasu the work is way better up on the island.
Me- Thank you for clearing that up. Glad the work is good on the island. Thanks for all the answers. My brain is so much clearer. Love you Robbie
Robert- hahaha anytime!!! oh its awesome! ANytime. How about next week? I love you too mommy! :) 

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