

Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 24th

SO this week was crazy crazy crazy busy mommy Jones! WE had a baptism to prepare for that was for a sweet little girl named meafou and alsowe have 2 more coming up this week and then in the next month we have 2 couple trying to get married so they can e baptized... Plus a couple other people who very well could be baptized next month as well. Long story short its flipping busy oover here in Lalovi! BUt it is a ton of fun and I'm still just amazed at how many people God has had waiting for us here in Lalovi, For me and Elder Sewell the village white dudes. I'd say village idiots but we have to be able to speak to be an idiot. ;)
We're having a great time though. 
THe work over here is a TON different from america and everything we do has to go thorugh like a Samoan islands filter... Its hard to explain but like its mostly because of the culture. You know how the lamanites are just under the sin blanket of the traditions of their fathers? Well thats basically exactly how Samoa is and as an Elder over here we've just gotta wade thorugh it. Elder Sewell and I and even every companionship we've talked about how nice it would be to serve in america where the ward does this, and the people do this, and the bishop does that, etc... But really we just have to wade thorugh the spiritual high and lows of Samoa. Its pretty flipping weird at times to be honest and a lot of times I don't feel like a missionary should but then I just think back to all the really lame times for the BOM Elders and I just say hey! I did that smae thing! :) SO the work is a rollercoaster and the weirdest part/coolest part is how There is no such thing as Aethiest. Everyone who lives in Samoa knows and lives by one God. THe problem is is that the Religion and Culture are so intertwined that members think cultural things are still supported by the church but they aren't so it causes issues. anyways though the coolest part is that because everyone is Christian everyone is welcome to us and all are open to baptism. ITs really a big problem though because baprtism is just a thing you do so that you're allowed to go that church when you're here in Samoa its not a life altering hting. The biggest struggle of my mission is trying to discern who is a real convert because the Samoans and their culture just keep me guessing. So yeah thats the work. I love it! :) I just wish it was less confusing but it keeps me humble too. :) 

Sewell is great! He's a hilarious little turd! I really enjoy the way we do things but above all what I like about him is He's bold. Thats what I realized this week finally. He's a bold little sucker and doesn't give a care in the world about it. The gospel is the gospel the doctrine is the doctrine and there is one way to heaven, saving ordinances so we'll lay it out really simply for you and all you ahve to do is ust keep stepping. Hes super blunt. I just wish he was fluent already so that in lessons he could just be as bold as he is with me while doing role plays. :) I love this Elder! I assume Gods lesson to me through this comapnion is at least that. Kimball was change, Redd was Be humble, And Afuvai was love with understanding, so now that I've gotten all soft and mushy God needs me to get some more fire like abinadi. Of course it took me this long into this area to realize it though even thoguyh in the day of my trio with Fifita and Tautuaa the day before I got sewell God told me to be like Abinadi in this area. Or maybe he just was telling me that I was going to get an Abinadi to train... Either way I love Elder Sewell and I'm just praying that as we take on the first 3 months of his mission I do it the way that God wants me to and we both learn what He needs us to. 

I don't remember who elder Cuter is but I hope you don't mean Elder Redd because He's not done!?!?!? 

All those random Samoans are people I tell about you. One is the daughter of the BIshops counselor, and another is one of our investigators who wants to remember us and keep in touch after the mission. I'd just give them my name to look up on facebook but there are a million Robert Joness on Facebook but only 1 Leilani Steele Jones so its true when I say your the best because you're literally 1 in like 7 billion people on Facebook. So please just accept them and then ask them this question; "E te silafia Elder Jones? O a`u o lona tina Leilani." Then just send them to your friends list to friend me so when I get home I can keep in touch with all these people through Facebook. I will miss them so many! Pretty pretty please. 
ANywho I love ya a ton! HAve a great week and be safe out there in record heat! :) I love you guys! Especially mom

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