The computer is struggling today so I might not get to send
much out but this is my try. The week was awesome besides two things.
Taro makes me sick now. It hasn't my whole mission and its my favorite
thing to eat out here but for the last 2 weeks especially this one I eat
it and then have diarhea for 1 day and half. Super lame...
The screen on my camera broke internally. I guess it got smooshed in my
bag or something but it still takes pictures and still works and about
40% of the screen still shows clear picture so Its useable but ya that
was the other dumb part of the week... I think God just wants to make
sure I come back to see these people later on in my life rather than
just remember them through pictures and journal entries but man thats
Also this week was pretty spiritually powerful for me.
Although I can do al
ot with my language abilities I still am very limited but thats the beauty of the brand new area and me training is that God just wants to show me how much betterthis work is if I truly just rely on him. So all this week every word that comes from my mouth, well most of them have only come out of reliance and trust on the spirit and all the promises that God puts in his scriptures for His missionaries. I'm here to tell the world that they're all true and if Elder Sewell and I don't get to do much "missionary work" in this area then I know that God at least worked miracles within my heart and my companions. The mission is so cool! I recommend it for everyone because they're available to everyone nowadays. Youth and seniors so GO and preach but don't do it your way because God's is was better.
ot with my language abilities I still am very limited but thats the beauty of the brand new area and me training is that God just wants to show me how much betterthis work is if I truly just rely on him. So all this week every word that comes from my mouth, well most of them have only come out of reliance and trust on the spirit and all the promises that God puts in his scriptures for His missionaries. I'm here to tell the world that they're all true and if Elder Sewell and I don't get to do much "missionary work" in this area then I know that God at least worked miracles within my heart and my companions. The mission is so cool! I recommend it for everyone because they're available to everyone nowadays. Youth and seniors so GO and preach but don't do it your way because God's is was better.
I love you guys and thanks for all the support.
Love Elder jones